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動油に混入した微細なゴミを除去 再生~リユース

Minute particle removal of hydraulic fluid. Reproduction & Reuse

The biggest cause to oxidize oil is impurities the minute particle in oil.

There is something that generates minute garbage of the hydraulic fluid and the lubricant from not only the garbage that invades from another but also friction side in the device. Only big garbages removed with the strainer and the filter in the hydraulic system. Actually precipitation that influences the cylinder and the valve is a minute particle of each micron
and cannot be removed even with the filter This minute particle which cannot be removed and remains, will promote the deterioration of oil.


There is zeta electric potential on the fine particles surface of liquid and it rebels each other.
A particle vibrates, and a double layer is destroyed, and zeta electric potential cools it down low when I do a load of the voltage of AC25V to liquid (oil).When liquid (oil) is loaded as for the voltage of AC 25 V,. particle vibrates and a double layer is destroyed thenzeta electric potential goes down. As a result, fine particles cohere and grow up.



A minute particle that is smaller than the mesh cannot be removed with the filter usually. However, a big hardening particle that grows up can be removed .The left figure is the device that was made by that principle. As a result the liquid which is charged with the electrode is sent to the device, the minute particle in the liquid aggregate. The aggregated minute particle grows and can be filtered with the filter. The moisture in oil is also separated and precipitated. On the other hand the oil in the solution aggregates and it can be surfacing separation.

<事例>油圧プレス作動油 Hydraulic Press Oil

The following table is an analysis of hydraulic fluid 2000L for the oil hydraulic press that is filtrated by this method. The table must show the oil before using was the 12th grade class by table NAS grade . This is a limit of being possible to use it. As a result of filtering this oil, it became the 7th class by one passing to the 4th grade class by three passing. This numerical value is a level more than the equal to the new oil.

<事例>研磨油のリユース Reuse Grinding Oil

MRS-YAMMERkennma-XX.pngある部品工場の精密部品加工では、最後の仕上げ工程で微細な研磨粒を含んだ研磨油を使用しています。これまでは、この研磨油を一定期間使用後廃棄していました。研磨油そのものも一般の加工油に比べて高額でもあり、その廃棄にもコストがかかっていました。そこで、右の図のような装置を使って研磨油の濾過テストを行ないました。A処理は荷電凝集を行ったのちに、10μメッシュのフイルターで濾過したもので、B処理はA処理の後にさらに小さなメッシュのフィルターで濾過しました。ろ過後の分析は 汚染度とNAS等級による分析を行ないました。表が示すようにA処理B処理とも25μより大きな粒子はほとんど除去できました。B処理後は、NAS等級4級という、新しい油と同様の驚異的な濾過レベルを達成しています。
In the precise part processing of a certain parts firm, they use the grinding oil that contains minute grinding grain at the last currier degree. This grinding oil has been abandoned after a certain period up to now. Because the grinding oil itself is expensive compared with general processing oil, the abandonment of the grinding oil cost large amount of money. Then, the grinding oil was filtered with a device shown the right . A is filtered with the 10μ mesh after doing the electric charge aggregate. B is filtered with a smaller mesh after processing A. After filtering it was analyzed by the pollution level and the NAS-grade method.
The table must show. Both A and B-Processing , almost bigger than 25μparticle was able to be removed. The oil after B-processing was the 4th grade class. This is a marvelous filtration level similar to new oil.


<事例>タービン潤滑油のフラッシング 発電所


In the electric power company, the power generation turbine is regularly overhauled. The last process is flushing work of the lubricant. The very detailed mesh filter was used for this flushing work so far. This work needed more than two weeks according to the power generation scale is large. As right picture shows that the process shortened 1/4 or less by the electric charge aggregate method. Moreover, 1/2 oil had been changed now at flushing.
The amount of the exchange was able to be reduced to 1/10 as a result of filtering by the electric charge aggregate method. So far,300 circulation filtration processing was necessary to adjust the number of impurities that were to 10,000 pieces or less in 800,000 more by the ta-bin.gifearlier filtration. It was able to reach 10,000 pieces or less by the circulating processing of seven times by the electric charge aggregated method.

As the left graph is in a certain thermal power plant the lubricant of 10,000L was flushing. when the construction started the oil was the NAS 12 class, it became the 5th class 18 hours late . This kind of construction usually needs 4 days, but it was able to be finished one day or less.