

〒220-0006 横浜市西区宮ヶ谷25−2−2−903
TEL 045-324-3464 FAX 045-324-3467

Intercept Technologyの腐食防止フィルムは、従来のように製品に膜を形成して腐食を防止するのではなく、腐食性ガスを中和させる働きのあるフィルムで、腐食の起こらない空気環境を形成します。
Even if a little corrosion occurs in electronic parts, it causes the breakdown. The tolerance of corrosion has become smaller according to integrating and making of the miniaturization parts of the equipment minute. Furthermore, it is not enough in a corrosion control in the production process alone. There are necessities to removes the factor of corrosion by all the processes of the product transport and keeping, and even of keeping the spare parts.
The corrosion prevention film of Intercept Technology is not a film with working to form the film to the product and to prevent corrosion so far but a film to neutralize the causticity gas. It forms the air environment without corrosion.


The electronic parts is deteriorated by the corrosive gases
The problem of the wetting balance

int057x.jpg左の写真は、基板実装したLEDユニットが脱落した実例です。下の写真のLEDユニットは日本で射出成形されたのちに、Intercept technologyのフィルムで包装され中国へ送られ、中国の工場で自走されたものです。脱落したLEDユニットを拡大してみましたところ、写真にあるように日本で生産されたLEDユニット端子にはハンダが、しっかりと付着しており良好な状態です。

In the above photograph, it is the example that the LED unit mounted the substrate drops out. The LED unit in the photograph is the one that is wrapped with the film of Intercept Technology after the shooting molding is done in Japan, sent to China, and mounted in the Chinese factory.
When the LED unit which it drops out is expanded, as shown in the photograph the LED unit terminals produced in Japan is adhered the solder firmly and excellently.
On the other hand, the substrate terminal installed in China whose solder peeled off from the terminal shows the problem of the wetting balance in the substrate terminal. The oxide surface film was formed on the terminal when the substrate was managed and kept, and it had made trouble of the wetting balance in the substrate terminal. That caused peeling off the terminal LED side by the solder. On the other hand the surface of the lead frame was protected during the manufacturing process in the LED unit by Static intercept through the shipment packing, and, the oxide film was not formed, and the solder wetting balance was excellent.
In the terminal of this board, is silver plated. An oxidation film was formed on a silver plating part by hydrogen sulfide, the corrosion gas such as the sulphur dioxide and influence of the moisture. The atmospheric hydrogen sulfide density of Shanghai district in China is about 800ppb. This is more 100 times of pollution degree than Japanese. Air pollution is a big cause of corrosion.


Use of in short or prolonged storage of digital devices,
transportation inside and outside the factory and in the clean rooms.

IC-Electoric Terminal-XX.png基板ターミナル部分が、腐食ガス(硫化水素、二酸化硫黄など)により腐食が始まると抵抗が増加し、回路不良を誘発させます。
Resistance increases when corrosion starts by the corrosion gas (hydrogen sulfide and sulfur dioxide, etc.), and a defective circuit is caused in the substrate terminal part.
The graphshows that a basic circuit in the hydrogen sulfide tank of 7ppb, does the exposure test, and is measured the resistance every day. The circuit (blue line) not protected exceeded the standard value in about one week. On the other hand, the circuit (red line) protected by Intercept was changeless.

Destruction prevention when in assembler degree and transported of device by static electricity

Use of in short or prolonged storage of digital devices, transportation inside and outside the factory and in the clean rooms.

この独自原理はCOMOS(Copper Molecular Oxide Semiconductor)と称せられ、同時にAMC(Airborne Molecular Contaminants、浮遊粒子状汚染物質)を吸着し中和する働きがあります。 

The static intercepting contains neither the solvent nor the carbon, etc. unlike other electrification prevention film seats. It is a clean film that doesn't make the change of the electrical resistance value, bleeding, the out gas, and the contamination according to the temperature and humidity.
The Static Intercept gets a steady electrical property by mixing the copper oxide particle and the formation net. 
This original principle is called COMOS ( Copper Molecular Oxide Semiconductor ), and there is working that adsorbs AMC ( Airborne Molecular Contaminants and a suspended particulate contaminant) and neutralizes them at the same time.
In a100 classes clean room of the state-of-the-art semiconductor enterprise, the Static Intercept is used to the performance.


AT&LEAD.jpgT社、TEXAS INSTRUMENTS社、Honeywell社ほか様々な電子部品メーカーや、電子装置メーカーで採用されています。

It is adopted in the electronic parts manufacturer and the electronic device manufacturer of AT&T Co., TEXAS INSTRUMENTS Co., and Honeywell Co. and others variously.
In the Analogic Co., it is adopted for an inland transport and overseas export of the MRI device since 1998, and there has been no accident of the electrostatic discharge failure etc.
