

〒220-0006 横浜市西区宮ヶ谷25−2−2−903
TEL 045-324-3464 FAX 045-324-3467


Collection Waste-water tank

油を使用する現場(生産工場、作業所、工事現場、リサイクル工場 など)では、常に排水から油を除去して場外に流出しないように図ることが重要です。kw-MS-S3x.png

There are various oils and fats in the site, and they always face the danger of the oil spill accident. The oil spill accident cause not only the environmental pollution but also the influence to continuing the enterprise at times.
To use oil field (production plants, recycling sites, the construction site...), It is imperative to remove the oil in waste-water and to prevent spills out of the park.

油の流出事故対策 Oil spill counteurmessure

The oil spills accidents from plant are morekw-imagePreventaccident.gif than 250 factories each year.
Once the spill might affect the survival of the company.
The floating oil collection device removes oil from the grease trap etc. daily, and secures the safety throughly.

精油工場の排水槽、港湾施設、セメント工場、製鉄所、食品加工場 ........ 。現場に合わせた設計が可能です。

With the weather phenomenon in recent years, there is the amount of the rainfall that greatly exceeds an unexpected rainfall and assumption every year. A situation outside assumption can happen even if oil is managed. The device that promptly collects the generated spilled oil is adopted on a lot of sites.
TO oil tank effluent plant, port facilities, cement plants, steel mills, food processing plants ......... It can be designed according to the site.


排水ピットの油膜の回収 Collection Slick Oil

sekisui2.png排水中の油分は工業分野では5ppm以下でなければならいと定められています。排水槽では、右の写真のように油が浮上し,中には虹のように光っているだけの薄い油膜もあります。この油膜も放置しますと、悪臭の原因となり、近隣環境とのトラブルを招くこともあります。小型浮上油回収装置「ミニスキマー」「ハイスキマー」は, 広い範囲の浮上油を短時間で回収します。
kw-skimmer1.pngThe oil under drain is provided by following and the law if it is not 5ppm or less in industrial field.
There is a shiny thin oil slick in the tank. It causes the stink when this oil slick is left, and the impression to the neighbor environment is deteriorated.
Small surfacing oil collection device "Mini skimmer" and "High skimmer" will collect the floated oil in the large range in a short time.

オプション:エマルジョン化した油分の除去 The removal of emulsified oil
Oil whose particle diameter is bigger than 50μ will float on water by the difference in specific gravity in a comparatively short time . However, detailed particle oil is emulsified without doing the surfacing separation easily and melts into water indefinitely. The most is removed by using the such oil's adsorption filtering medium device like the right photo, it becomes transparent, and the effluent standard value is lowered to be possible of deposit. It is adopted on the site with needs of the total elimination of the reproduction of the compressor drain water, the cleaning solution and the thin film of oils.
