

〒220-0006 横浜市西区宮ヶ谷25−2−2−903
TEL 045-324-3464 FAX 045-324-3467

A lot of oil emulsion is contained in the wastewater of metalworking. Therefore, the wastewater treatment cost rises.The waste water treatment cost in the foreign factory has soared now. We will propose the system that keeps using it without draining the cleaning solution as much as possible.


The routine maintenance of cleaning solution

浮上油の回収 (浮上油回収装置の利用)
FLoating oil Recovery

The flushing capacity can be maintained properly by constant collecting the floated oil of the water solubility washing tank, and the load of the rinse process can be reduced. Especially, to prevent from oil adhering again when work is improved for the dipping washing method, it is always necessary. Moreover, it is effective also making about the cleaning solution prolong
Impurities in the cleaning solution, especially a small material of 50 microns or less are floating in the liquid without precipitation indefinitely . It adheres to work again if this impurities are not removed and the yield of the product is depraved.


B MRS.jpg洗浄液の日常管理をしていましても時間と共に、混入油が浮遊して白濁し、数十ミクロン以下の微粒子は沈殿も浮上も出来ず液に浮遊した状態で増えていきます。この浮遊油や微粒子は微細なために、一般的な装置やフィルターでは分離することはできません。荷電凝集法では、微細な粒子状の油やきょう雑物は凝集して大きな粒子の固まりとなります。大きな粒子の塊となりますと通常の割安なメッシュのフィルターでの除去が可能となります。(左図で示しています)
Even managed to wash daily, over time, cloudy oil is mixed with floating particles of several tens of microns or less and increasing in the liquid in a state of levitation without precipitation. Because this floating oil particles are fine, common equipment and filters can not separate them. By the electric charge aggregation method, it aggregates the minute particulate oil and impurities to a big particle. The cheap usual mesh enables to filter the fine particulate when that becomes large particles. (Show in the above figure.)
The cleaning solution that removes oil and impurities becomes a level that can be recycled by leaving the active ingredient like the following case.


荷電凝集法の設備は高額で、常時使用するには専従の作業員が必要となります。Mobil Reconditioning Serviceをご利用いただきますと、設備投資も専従の作業員の必要もなく貴社の洗浄液はつねに再利用できるようになります。ある自動車部品メーカーでは、下図のように工場内に2つのタンクを設置しました(リースタンク可能)。場内の洗浄装置からの汚れた洗浄廃液は「ダーティタンク」へ溜めておきます。一定量が溜まりますと荷電凝集装置を搭載した専用の車が、貴社の工場に伺います。そこでベテランの作業員が、ダーティータンクから汚れた洗浄液を抜き出して濾過しながら「クリーンタンク」へ移していきます。「クリーンタンク」には濾過された洗浄液だけですので、濃度をpHを調整してから、再度工場内の洗浄装置で使用することができます。
The equipment of the electric charged aggregate method is large amount of money. The worker of the work is needed for constant use . There is neither capital investment nor a necessity of the worker of the work, when "Mobil Reconditioning Service " is used and your cleaning solution. Some auto parts manufacturers, set up two tanks in the factory as shown below. Dirty cleaning solution that is from a parts-wash devise in the factory is collected every time in the Dirty Tank. The exclusive car which carried a device visits a factory that accumulate constant amount. The expert worker pulls out dirty cleaning fluid from a dirty tank and filters it. The liquid after the filtration put tank to "the Clean Tank". In the"Clean Tank" there is filtered cleaning solution. The concentration of the liquid and adjust the p H can be used in cleaning equipment in the plant again.


<事例> アルカリ洗浄液のリユース

<Case-Study> Reuse of Alkaline cleaners

HONDAKUMAMOTO GEAROILSpectol.png対象液:アルカリ洗浄液
Cleaning solution 1000L under use is down by the circulation filtration using the electric charged aggregate method and the hollow fiber film. As the right shown, 3,400mg/L before processing was 1,100mg/L, it left the original active ingredient in the wash. On the other hand, the impurities of 4.7mg/100ml are almost removed and the wash is improved greatly.
As the lower right spectrum analysis shows, the amine and other molecules as the corrotion for 3300 Caesar remain. Moreover, the hydrocarbon for 2900 Caesar remains, too. It remains without removing the active ingredient such as surfaceactiveagents for each 1000~1500 Caesar.hp-sennjyoukumamoto1.jpg

The above photo is the case-study at automotive.